terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010


With my feet in the sands of time
Watching the sound-waves come by
In my sleep.

I can say
You were there with me at my side
Watching our hearts collide
In our sleep

Hovering over the night skies
Watching us say goodnight
And going to sleep

sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010

À Beira do Mar

Vou lhe pintar uma prosa
Uma prosa te contar
Sobre a mais bela das rosas
Uma rainha do mar

Com um cabelo marrom
Ia pra beira do mar
Fixar duas esmeraldas lindas
E bobinhos conquistar

Sendo cabra arretado
E sabendo tudo do mar
Sabido ia dizendo
"Eu tu não vai conquistar"

Ficou ela curiosa
Mas esperta pra dúvidar
Perguntou se era louco
Ou se sabia rezar

Cheguei perto e fui dizendo
"Sereia tu pode até tentar
Mas o diabo me carrega
Por que não quero andar"

"Ô sujeito camumbembe
hoje tu vai se foder
Por que hoje te conquisto
Hoje tu vai me comer"

Eu soltei a gargalhada
Fui andando para o mar
Fez um charme inesquecível
E com ela fui deitar

Por isso digo menino
Eu não tenho azar
Sou um cabra destemido
Não sei bem aonde é meu lar
Eu só sei que dou risada
Com vocês gritando "bah!"
Jogo charme pra sereia
Galopando à beira do mar

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

A Lua

A mim tu fez a falta que faz a lua cheia aos mares tranquilos que querem ser agitados. impacientes com toda essa calma, fosse eu qualquer um dos mares só saberia ser agitado pela senhora naturalmente. meus neuronios seriam os peixes e quero jogar-los pra um lado e pra outro freneticamente!

Sabe-se lá se tu, lua, sabe do desconforto dos meus mares ao te ver virando meia, crescente, e por fim desaparecendo na imensidão da sua coleção de negro com pequenos pontos que os humanos, os mesmos que dizem que meus mares ficam lindos diante do sol fazem questão de apontar nos céus e me atormentar com o fato que estão essas estrelas mais perto que eu. pra porra do sol não ligo, fique distante

Mas tu, lua, faço questão que me puxe e empurre sem parar, quero mais é que o planeta esquente mesmo, assim vejo se consigo crescer mais e fazer ondas tão imensas que te tocam, arrastam, e finalmente te trazem pra dentro do meu territorio, nem que seja por segundos, para lhe tocar, e entender por que raios esses humanos ficam tão felizes juntos com seus pés entre as minhas areias e meus mares.

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

Manda Chuva

Quem no verão é planejado,
Tende a existir com olhos preguiçosos
E tambores no lugar do coração
Espirra confete
E come chuva

Magro nasce, vive, morre
Aonde mora não tem chuva
Não sabe aonde Deus se encontra
Mas tende a procurar nas sombras
Pensa que em deserto nenhum criatura vive

A não ser que seja diabo
Tende a não achar que seja tão ruim assim o inferno
Por que sabe que já tem passagem garantida lá
Depois de quebrar alguns corações,
E tacar fogo em outros

Sente na pele todos os dias o calor
O suor escorre conforme os olhos se viram
Tende a achar que vira ouro
Tudo aquilo cujos olhos miram
E torce pra mais um dia na praia.

Tende a descer ladeiras ditando ritmos
Pegando seguidores ao longo da vida
E acabando sozinho no parque
Sem tristeza e com olhos
Cujas cores refletem tudo aquilo que já amou

sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010

A Lacking Thank You Note

I wanna write you something but I can't figure out what.
A thank you note, or something. Anything to make you smile.
I keep thinking about the things we did together.
I keep thinking how much fun we have with each other and how I never want it to end.
I want to remind you every day that your makeup is irrelevant to how beautiful you really are.
I want you to know that at the end of every night even if you're in pajamas you're still the best looking girl in the night.

When you go to bed I want you to at least pretend that I just whispered a good night in your ear and gave you a kiss on your head.
When you wake up I want you to hear my good morning and feel special for the rest of the day.
And when you're scared, I want you to remember that i'll always be here. Even if i'm not.
I want you to remember the kids birthday party we went to, and playing catch.
I want you to remember the puzzles and the smart-ass comments and the mall.
And I want you to never forget how awkward we dance but how much fun we have doing it.

Soon i'll be there, and you won't have to be anxious anymore
And i'll bring with me tiffany's and kitten rugs and blank sofas and markers.
We're getting us a car so we can go to drive-ins and see weird things and go on vacations.
I don't really care where we go or who we see, as long as I make you as happy as you make me.
You're my family, and my best friend, and anything you want to be.
And I love you, unconditionally.

Where you are, the musics better.
Colors are vivid, moving pictures are more exciting.
Sand is thinner, and I don't owe anyone a greeting.
The grass is greener, and i'm never scared.
And i'll wake up right next to you every day.

All I know is that your love does me no pain.
Where you are the sun is always shining and i'll be there soon.
Até por que, i'm really tired of the rain.

segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

A Garota dos Cabelos Feitos com Pétalas de Girassóis.

Contava-me um velho sentado na praia costurando sua rede pra pescada matinal que já te avistaram antes, dizem que seus olhos foram esculpidos de diamantes longe, bem longe do outro lado da serra. Além daqui, Além de lá, Além de qualquer lugar que eu já fui.

Dizem que cavaram buracos no centro e pegaram esmeraldas, jogaram elas nos mares mais puros pra dar a eles a chance de lacrimejar e emocionar um coração igual ao meu. Lançaram as redes por nove meses inteiros e encontraram as jóias que couberam perfeitamente nos diamantes.

Dizem que o sorriso que enfeita o seu rosto foi feito por artesãos de máxima eficiência, que calculavam todos os dias quanto ouro gastariam pra comprar as pedras mais raras e brancas pra esculpir dentes, e passaram nove meses polindo elas pra ter certeza que nunca iam manchar.

Fiquei triste ao saber que antes de ser presenteado com tal coisa magnífica teria que passar por cicatrizes, o que mal me importava pois você me parecia valer todo o esforço e sofrimento. Mas aguentar saber que você passaria pelo mesmo me partiu o coração.

Que mal pode ser chamado de coração, não foi feito como o seu que é feito de rubi e confete brilhante de carnaval. O meu é costurado por senhoras divorciadas e sofridas que sabem mais da vida do que sabem de sala de aula. Bate estranho, mas bate.

Me disse o velho, ao sorrir e botar isca numa jaula de caranguejos que tinha acabado de tirar do porta-malas de sua viatura nobre, que você me traria felicidade que eu nunca conheci na vida, e que me daria uma vida boa e uma criança com cabelos feitos com pétalas de girassóis.

Ele me disse que eu seria feliz, mas que iria esquecer o por que das coisas que achava lindas. Que a lua ia brilhar menos, e o sol ia fazer mais calor. Me disse que a noite ia parar de me fazer sorrir sem você, e que eu teria que trabalhar muito e ter muita paciência pra ter você.

Ele sorriu pra mim e disse que um dia eu ia sair pra longe, bem longe distante até mais da terra do outro lado da serra. E que eu ia ver coisas novas, conhecer gente nova. Disse que só depois de voltar por uma estrada nova que ia ter chances de te conhecer.

O velho hoje já não existe mais. Ele foi pra mais longe ainda do que eu, não atrás da serra, mas por acima dela. Levou com ele suas iscas e deixou o carro. Não precisa de carro aonde ele foi. Mas o que foi dito se concretizou, e hoje tenho o que ele prometeu.

Talvez não em palavras, talvez elas não tinham necessidade, mas pelo o olhar dava pra ver que era o que ele esperava pra mim. Paciência aprendi a ter, com você. Beleza esqueci mas aprendi de novo, com você. E agora só espero você ao meu lado.

E depois, quem sabe, a garota dos cabelos feitos com pétalas de girassóis vem.

segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Insomniac Surprises

Hello beautiful.

It's 4 in the morning and I see no point in going to bed.
You aren't around, and even though you told me to not be upset, I got, just a little.
I had a mild case of bronchitis, I smoked too many cigarettes in my boredom.
Technology just isn't fair to me, I think. To deprive me of someone I love so much.
I mean, I really do.

Com todas as minhas forças, eu te amo. Caralho como eu te amo.

It's still 4 in the morning, I type fast. But I still see no point in going to bed.
You aren't next to me, and even though you told me not to worry, I did, just a little.
I'm still coughing a little but i'll be fine, I want to have another cigarette, i'm still bored.
But I won't have one, not for a while, because I think about you.
I think about you before doing anything.

Até em coisas que não tem nada a ver com você, penso em você só pra você virar parte.

It's nearing 4:10 in the morning, I've listened to "Clear My Head" by Ivy at least 5 times.
I hope you like this, I hope this makes you smile. I really do, a lot.
I'm sorry baby, I just can't focus on words anymore.
I'm scared, you're good at reassuring me and making me feel safe but I can't help it.
I'm so far, I hate it so much.
Please understand, please don't feel like I don't trust you.
You know I still want my life with you, You know I still wait around for that.
For the weddings, and the kids, and the mapa-mundi na parede.
And the dates, the movies, the food, the cuddling, the everything.
The discussions over Santos x São Paulo, the discussions over music.
Not over messenger services, but actually here, quero tapas de amor ao vivo.

I've got an idea, that i'll work on your drawing for the remainder of however long i'll stay without sleep. I'm sorry, I just lost my want for it, I mean, sleep is necessary but without you it's so much harder to do.
I hope I stay working on it long enough to say hi when you go to school.
I miss you, I miss you so much.
I hope this takes you by surprise.
I really do.

Eu te amo, tanto amorzinho, tanto.

I Held Still A Little

They asked me "how's the life on the other side of the sunrise?" I said: The drinks still don't go down easy and my tears are just as salty going down my throat.
The ocean down here seems a little darker since the last time we met, me the yellow sand and the floating trash bags.
And the people passing by I don't really see, spending too much time trying to look for me. I reckon that my spirits been tossed down here, just don't know where, why or when but I know it was me.

The loneliness, it tightens it's grip.

And i'm still a little senseless, a little scared from time to time but I keep my head high.

Nothing seems the same since we were kids, some sort of horrified voyeur of the human race that I've become and some people seem a little more vulgar, a little less interesting, overall not worth the time I spend on this globe. I've come to fall in love, start a family, and I think i'm on the right path. I've lost my contact with those I know, I should chase that, but somehow I know I wont.

I'm scared of drowning, being poor, losing her affection, running out of music to listen to, and death.

I wrap myself around my morals and fall over the railing, the wind is faster almost feels like dull dull switchblades bumping the opposite side of their blades against my hair and my face, and that doesn't scare me because I have no cuts and the fall is short, into the ocean. In between the splashing and the ability to see underwater I think about the daily sports and the sunsets I've never missed out on.

I held still a little, and leaned my waist to the side, put my hand on it for stability and looked down on my cigarette burning away. I thought about sitting down but didn't want to dirty up my jeans. I thought about leaning against the wall but didn't want people staring. So I just stood still, and stared at the black suits and beige dresses fading into the sun at the end of an avenue.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

Cafés In Paris

I've stepped into strange places in my life, in even stranger times.
And I've come to tell you that you're the only sign of life on a desert.
And i'm the sand keeping you warm during it's cold nights.
I'm the canvas to a painting, and you're the color.
I might go as far as saying you're the most important thing in my life.

You make me worry and fear about things I've never given thought to before
And for some reason I don't think thats bad.
I want to sleep with you, and wake up next to you.
I want to hold you tight until you toss and turn in bed out of my reach.
But i'll always wake up because my arms will miss you.

I'll watch the most uninteresting movies and listen to the most obnoxious music.
And i'll do it just for you, even if I make fun of it, I like pleasing you.
As cliché as it seems I love your smile.
I love your laughter and I love the strange high pitched noises you make when you're lazy
And I love the way you look at me when you get jealous or when I say I love those things.

But my most comforting love for you, the one that puts a smile on my face
Is when you look at me when you realize how much you love me.
It makes life worth living. You make life worth living.
The little things we do, the talks we have about life and the quiet moments too.
All the care and time and patience we've put into this, that makes life worth living.

I haven't written too much, but now I write a lot.
Even having so much to say I can never find the right adjectives.
I've spent all of them on trying to impress you when we first met.
But in my daydreams I don't need words, I just need images.
And those are always easier for me, it's just who I am.

I imagine us in strange settings, In cafés in Paris even though I hate France.
And it's raining, no, it's pouring out. And you're as beautiful as ever.
We're having coffee and we put our elbows on the table and our hands on our faces
And stare at each other like the cheesiest couple ever seen, others follow.
We lean over to kiss, we always do, and my daydream ends.

It's obnoxious how, things always abruptly end my daydreams.
I always have something to do, something I can't put off for a couple more minutes.
My daydreams though, they're humble.
Things like painting the walls of our apartment, or you begging me to take out the trash.
Things like you coming home tired and in need of attention and care.

I daydream of things with relatively no importance to most people.
Like sitting on the floor and drawing random things together.
And you could ask me for help, and I could ask you for help.
We could lay down on erasers and pencils and things like that.
And I could show you the stars I painted on our ceiling to surprise you today.

In my distance from you I've come to realize that couples close to each other
They just don't realize how lucky they are to have simple things like that.
They don't realize how nice it is to spend a weekend watching movies in the dark
Cuddling and wondering what the other is thinking.
They take for granted the simple things in life, things you made me remember the existence of.

I admit I spend my days listening to cheesy songs, they remind me of you.
I miss you, some days more than others. Some days way more. This is one of them.
I admit you encourage me to be more ambitious and have more knowledge.
The more I do the more we have to talk about at the end of the day.
I just wish I could always say everything I need to, to you, so I don't feel bad in the morning.

Just because, I always have more to say, and more smiles to put on your face. I love you.

terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

Just A Literary Mess

I wanna run away.
Want you to come along.
I want things that sometimes, not even I know why I want them.
I want beaches and big cities.
Want you in them.

I don't quite know if I want any more innocence.
Without having any, we have enough.
I want to go on parades with you.
Want guys to stop trying or i'll punch them.
Nah, I don't care.

I wanna be able to write you something, something real nice.
Something that will make you think "dang, this boy really loves me."
But I can't think of anything. I think during the time together I tell you everything I want.
And have nothing left to surprise you with.
It frustrates the shit out of me.

Maybe I can't write out picturesque imagery of the daydreams we'll live out or the things I wanna do with you or what plans I have for the rest of our lives.
But I can promise it at least, and give you something to look forward to.
I'm a little hostile i'll admit, but not towards you, just everyone else.
It's just a little hard not being a little annoyed by the majority, that's all baby.

And I know this is a mess, not organized writing at all.
I wish this could be a little neater, so you could follow and get it and enjoy it.
But it really isn't, it's just random thoughts being thrown in there.
I blame my creativity, it isn't around as much.
To which I blame my settings, boring as they are.

You seem to make it all better though, for some reason.

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

Dusty Old Payphones

To my Dear,

Call your mom, tell her I love her daughter and intend to marry her.
I won't be able to give her the world, but i'll sure try.
Tell your dad i'll take good care of his little girl, and his shoulders will be free of one girls tears now,
And tell him his woman can now return to being the most beautiful one in his world.
Cos you're mine.

Start buying barbies now baby, coz we're having a girl. I've told you all about her already. She'll have your hair and your eyes and your smile. She'll have my patience and the same kindness I have with those who aren't you.
Call the realtors of your choice and pick where ever you want for us to spend the rest of our lives together babe, while you do that i'll call the world from a dusty old payphone and tell them there's a girl out there that it should know about.

Because she's the love of my life.

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

Another Cigarette and Another Daydream

I love the way your eyes shine.
And the smile your lips make
Even when they're dry.
I love the way the lights flash after dark.
And how you lay your head on my chest when we lay down to look at the stars.
I love the way your hair tickles my nose.
We've been floating about with no recollection of the past.
I love the way saying I love you feels.

I can't believe the fun I have with you.
Even when we're far. But it's okay.
I've been happy, encouraging children to jump into puddles.
Encouraged to live a little more, care a little less.
I love the way we worry about the details.
At night it gets quiet, and we get a little closer.
Always trying your best to make me happy.
I love the way you always do.

From over the hill I see the distant lightposts.
I love the way they go in rows down lonely streets.
But lonely isn't so anymore, now that you're around.
I love the way everything seems more alive now.
Another cigarette and another daydream.
I love the way you get me thinking without words.
We keep it simple and plain without much effort.
I love how you're worried right now thinkin i'm sad when i'm happy.

sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010

New Years

I want you to know that, you make me happy.
That if you can't cook, I don't mind pretending it tastes good.
If you need someone to keep you from being alone, i'm here.
I'm slowly running out of words to tell you how much I love you.
I can't find slow songs with sweet lyrics, I wish I could.
I wish you were here, sometimes I miss you more than usual and it makes my soul a little restless.
Sometimes I wish I could be the first thing you see everyday when you wake up.
I want to be able to write pages and pages and pages.
To assure myself that you won't find out about the lack of words and notice i'm improvising, and think i'm just forcing myself to do this.
I've told you before, I don't feel obligated to do anything.
And if i do it, it's simply because I love you.

I want to show you the world from time to time.
Not because i'm curious about it, just because I want it to know i'm me and you're you and no one could ever make me happier.

This is the year we wont be so far away anymore. The year you'll always have someone who's the for you, the year I've found everything I need in my life. It might be the year we marry, it might be the year we live together. It might be the start of our lives.
It might be a couple of laughs, it might end with getting mugged in Copacabana.

Whatever it may be i'm just glad you'll be in it.