segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008

For natz :D


Happy birthday.

sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008

Stans short letter

To my dear friend David,

Hello, I suppose you have learned that after months evading the noisy italian bar owner I cannot escape. I have decided to move to Venice, in search of more free alcohol. And i hope by the time i reach the depths of Norway I'll have drunk my liver dead. You see David, after Melissa left me i have found no greater joy other than drinking myself silly and stumbling through the small italian streets, and the even smaller ones of my heart.
I'll guess you are quite mad at my leaving our touristic trips cut short, but I hope one day you will understand.

Your good friend Stan.

quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2008

I hope to sway you.

O frio que me traz essa barriga, nem o calor do verão pode evitar.Coisas que eu penso, deixo de dizer. Com o medo de nunca mais te ver fico calado.Penso no mar, penso nas ondas. Penso nas noticias da TV, e não largo de pensar em você.
Me diz querida, sob as minhas circunstâncias atuais sem você; quem é mais miserável que eu?
A quem deixo minha tristeza, minha solidão?
Para correr devolta pros seus braços, longe de tudo isso.

E digo mais à você, quero lhe ver debaixo das luzes dos fogos de artifício que marcam o ano novo.
Um sorriso teu, só isso e nada mais.

Quero lhe ver dançando sob a ponte no meio da noite, gritando coisas que fazem pouco sentido para todos menos eu (tanto é meu amor, que consigo entender tudo que sai da sua boca).
Um abraço teu, só isso e nada mais.

Quer lhe ver mirando seus olhos lindos e curiosos nas fantasias do melhor carnaval de nossas vidas enquanto eu fico íntacto diante de tanta beleza.
Um beijo teu, só isso e nada mais.

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008

Try Me Out!

Bruno. Now with 25 different phrases!Parts made in Brasil.Swagger, Talk, and Walk made in Boston, U.S. Music, and Culinary taste made in New York U.S.

Surgeon General Warning: Do not use Bruno if you plan on: Driving, operating heavy and light machinery, Eating, Drinking, Smoking, Breathing, Moving, and or Living.

Those who cannot use Bruno are: Pregnant women, Old people, Young people, children, adults, animals, People with heart problems, Dead people, People who see dead people, and Humans.

Bruno Vesion 1.8!
Coming Soon

Bruno and all Bruno products are property of Brasil. All bruno accessories sold separately.

segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2008


Eu não me vejo como medico, nem advogado.
O mundo da arte é um mundo muito estranho e instável.
Eu sendo desse jeito é uma sensação... Inútil.
As pessoas acham que ser único, ou talvez até intelectual é algo interessante e exótico.
Eu não sei muito sobre isso.
Eu sinceramente gostaria de ser mais um na massa.
Dessa forma sem preocupações, sem incerteza sobre o meu futuro.
Pois sendo do jeito que sou, tenho um tanto de medo de acabar no ralo com metade da boca aberta deixando um pouco de whisky barato passar pela garganta.
Eu temo essa idéia de morrer sozinho. Tenho medo de divorcio, de perder amigos que não devia por causa de uma bobeira qualquer.
É tanto (esse medo do futuro) que eu não consigo parar de pensar só nisso.
Suponho que o medo faz uma grande parte da vida de qualquer um na minha situação.
Minha fortaleza foi derrubada por uma avalanche que usava All Star e camisa listrada.
Após anos de sucesso tive que pegar o primeiro avião rumo a terra do esforço.
Coisa que infelizmente (até hoje não sei por que) não conheço muito bem, mais não culpo ninguém por isso.

Meu problema é pessoal, eu acho.
Mais eu gostaria sim de falar sobre ele, às vezes sabe.
É dificil dizer quando vou dormir, meu último cigarro sempre termina com uma vontade de fumar outro.
Acho que vou ficar desse jeito até dormir, depois do sonho vou voltar a ser do mesmo jeito que hoje (sendo assim, do mesmo jeito que ontem).

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

Anonymous Love Letter #1

Querida _____,
Minha mãe me ligou ontem denovo, disse que a situação em casa anda como sempre.
Posso dizer que sinto saudades do arroz e feijão que ela faz. Desde que sai de casa ando pelos McDonalds e como só Bis ou talvez Ruffles. Não sei cozinhar, talvez um cachorro quente ou miojo... Ovo de manhã.
Quando comprei este meu carro, ele me parecia interessante até. Mais acredito que não aguento mais a ignorancia do trafego de São Paulo. Quando a escola acabar você vai ter um lugar bonito para morar _____, com TV a cabo e todas as outras coisas que você sempre sonhou em ter na nossa casa. Te amo, juro.
Peço mil desculpas por ontem, não queria ter te ligado em tal estado. Mais as vezes eu não aguento a pressão de ficar nesta situação um tanto sem sorte. O que parecia ser uma só cerveja multiplicou, virou várias. Queria ligar só para te dizer coisas bonitas, mais acabei falando merda. Espero que não ficou triste com este evento tão inexplicavél.
Mãe disse que você anda sem sorrisos pela cidade, ela te viu uns dias atrás. Favor não fique triste por minha causa. Quero só lhe trazer felicidade, talvez ás vezes sou atrapalhado desse jeito mais estou fazendo o melhor que posso, juro.... Ah! Fora destes assuntos eu comprei ontem algo para você. Vou mandar logo logo para você ta bom? É algo que você sempre quis. São Paulo é até bom para essas coisas sabe? Tem tudo que a gente sempre quis, mais não gostaria de viver aqui por mais tempo. Espero voltar logo para praia, ver você no verão (é quando você fica mais bonita ainda!).
Com muito amor,

domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008

Dear Kathy

Dear Kathy, They have supressed me. I am only allowed one phone call a day. I am sorry to say i waste my calls on checking my answering machine back in Manchester. But one of these days when i gather up the courage i shall call you for a few minutes, for i miss your voice.With all the love ones heart can gather, Me.


To whom it may concern, My car broke down as i was going to work today. I was just about to grab my morning drink when it died on me (causing my drink to fall into rather uncomfortable parts of my body). The mechanics say it doesn't have much life left in it, but i still want it fixed (for all those memories i had in it, such as lonely rides to yorkshire). The mechanic says it will cost me £3000. Being an art handler with just enough for cigarettes, lipstick, and rent. I don't believe i can afford it. But i will manage (granted i take some "small" weights out of my husbands bank account, which is small mind you but he had been saving it up to buy a tea cosy).


Me diga que eu preciso pensar mais no futuro, Ah garota não preciso dessa conversa agora.
Estou bem, com meus cigarros e minha cerveja noturna.
Estou de férias e ninguém me tira desse estado confuso de insonia e anti-creatividade.
Já fiz tudo que tinha que fazer nessa juventude, já vi mais coisa do que queria.

O que eu mais quero é sentar na areia e sonhar.

As estradas me lembram como sou pequeno na imensidão do mundo, é gostoso saber que ainda tenho tais prazeres da minha infancia ao meu lado.
Brighton foi a aventura mais excitante para um menino de 7 anos que não conhecia nenhum lugar no mundo.

Preciso de um turbo nas memorias, pra saber o que eu queria no natal de 1998.

segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008


Hoje sonhei com nosso futuro de novo. Estranho que eu nem te conheço. Você também não me conhece. Mais de qualquer jeito acabei botando você na cabeça. 
Eu sou meio esculachado, esse é meu jeito. Mais você nem sabe disso ainda, devia deixar uma impressão boa quando te conhecer. Meu único problema é que nem sei qual rosto fora desses vários na minha vida pertence a você. 

Eu ando tão confuso. 

Eu escrevi uma carta para você nos meus pensamentos, eu queria escrever de verdade mais quando pego a caneta esqueço de todas as palavras importantes. Juro que é uma carta linda, você ia me amar com certeza se visse. De qualquer jeito não sei o teu endereço por tanto não posso lhe mandar. Mais tenha certeza que se tivesse o dinheiro mandaria pra toda cidade uma copia até finalmente chegar em sua porta, a carta. 

Eu ando tão poético. 

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008


Sou apenas um garoto.
Jogado no canto da minha cama ao lado de agulhas e garrafas.
O mundo ja não me interessa mais.
O sexo me ensina que o amor ja não tem força.
Eu quero tanto achar uma razão pra ficar vivo.
Mais o noticiario me diz que a vida vai continuar a mesma.
Uma coisa triste de se ver.

Eu sou um bom Cristão.
Meu Deus como fui passando pela vida enchendo a cara e enfiando dinheiro na calcinha de puta?
Vou rezar depois de todo pecado que faço no dia-a-dia.
Minha mulher é uma mulher boa.
Meus filhos vão para escola, são crianças...
Não conhecem a vida e nem eu.
Fico tão perdido quando me perguntam algo sobre a vida.

Eu uma vez fui magnata.
Agora ando pelo frio das avenidas de São Paulo.
O vento bate contra minha pele tão forte quanto as pessoas..
As pessoas que aproveitam da minha miséria para tacar fogo no meu corpo velho.
As crianças que, com olhos curiosos perguntam o que eu faço em baixo do viaduto.
E as mães que falam para seus filhos não conversar com estranhos..
Seus olhares são como facadas no meu coração que grita sua dor de viver uma vida que ja foi boa.

Você ja foi a luz da vida.
O pingo de chuva na janela do meu carro no melhor dia da minha vida.
Sua voz era a musica que eu escutava todo dia e não cansava.
O seu rosto só vai embora depois da ultima garrafa de cerveja da noite.
Mais ele vai voltar no dia seguinte pra me lembrar do único erro que fiz na minha vida.
A solidão é apenas mais um fato dessa vida que você podia ter feito parte.
Minha única compania é um homem chamado Phillip Morris que vive no meu bolso.

Somos amantes,cantores,artistas,crianças,vizinhos,pessoas cantando musicas favoritas na escuridão do quarto no 11o andar.

sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008


Halfway around the world, a bench. Five coconut trees, and a few hopes.It's hard to believe so much time can pass by while you're asleep.And even harder to contemplate that survival is possible after waking up so many times alone. It isn't the aspect of sex, don't mistake this for the want of sex. I can say sex will be mentioned less than five times throughout this. Over the years i've gotten severely tired of it. I never understood the need for it. Some people tell me i was born... pure.But i really wasn't born pure. Like most of my own, i have my own needs. But i noticed them far more than most of us do. The human nature is a little beyond comprehension, it is ruled mainly by the subconscious. Our natural need to see violence, root for a certain side in a war because of our invented morals. I see it everytime i leave my apartment, humanity. I don't like humanity. And speaking of dislike for humanity and apartments...In my day-after-day i noticed, I hate the man who guards my apartment. He only serves for correcting mailing errors. This has lead me to believe he steals the magazines i order to come into the mail, It's my mistake really. I shouldn't order things straight to home and i shouldn't try to justify this act of disgust for my own kind by saying i'll save a couple of bucks. The truth is i'm completely afraid of having to go to the newstand, There are People all around the newstand.At home i can feel safe, i can feel normal. Which is why i don't like maids either. Maids burst right into your bubble and get paid for it. Like informants, or lovers. But i don't have the same problem with lovers, Although they cause a certain outbreak of feelings on me. Happy feelings, are things i sometimes fear. Security is dangerous at times like these. Nothing makes me safer than being alone, I'm happy alone.I once, a time ago; was happy being sorrounded. But people go away. You have to go away from people. All throughout my life it's happened. And the less you converse the less you have to go through. That's why i don't like the concept of a job, at a job you have to talk to people. Communication is a vital part of the system that is life. But people like me do not fit in the system. It isn't that we refuse to fit into all of it. It's just that in being different we cause a sense of disappointment in the collossus that is breathing.I'm happy alive, I think thats odd. But it works for me. I need to explain myself, I need to tell you that i wasn't always like this because i'm getting the feeling you might be doubting my earlier happiness and might be connecting it to past events of my childhood,teenage, etc. It isn't a problem like that, It's rather recent really. Let me explain how i was before, so you can get a better idea.Not too long ago, I had dreams. Dreams with special people. People i loved. I dreamt of riding in retro cars through rainy cities, falling in love with landscapes will forever be a love of mine (untouchable by life events). I was a weird kinda kid. I had alot of things right there in front of me. Everything i could ever want, it was there. It's a fairly nice life for someone who started out eating cucumbers everyday with rice and beans hoping to get a little more for christmas than a wooden truck.All in all, i don't have much to say in respect of life. Life is weird towards me, we don't have a bad relationship. But it's weird towards me. I can't finish anything, i suck at finishing things. I've never had that skill, I'm a human To Be Continued. Thats just how it works. Although i must say, Shrinks don't work. They really don't. Solve your problems on your own. I've been managing to do it easily. You can too.

quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2008


I think you’ve been taking too long. No, nothing is wrong with me today.
I just like my life when its fast, from a to b. 16 to z.
Plus I just sat three hours in some music festival for you and, well.
You still wanna wait in line for one more 60 seconds to get autographs from commons.
Autographs you get from superheroes n shit. People who save babies from trees.
Not the fuckers who asked how that baby got there, none of your business.
Now pay no mind to my impatience (its just a side effect from too much coffee, and not enough cigarette)
And I can still taste that dinner we had that I forgot to pay for. We jetted so quickly my dear, oh the modern romance.
But I wont get in the way of your important business that I simply will never understand.
Had I only been patient and had I only sat through those four years, id know accounting.
Simply had to choose art, didn’t i?

So now we sit here looking at eachothers faces in the space shuttle car with its little trinkets and air conditioner, automatic shifting. A lot of crap in the back makes it a little harder to take it past making out tonight. But I think neither of us is ready for such a strange adventure into each others genitals. You look beyond me wishing we could escape to somewhere really nice. And I look at the individual rain drops on the window counting them to see how many on average sit there when it rains. We don’t have the courage to stay in the car because we hate going home. So its doors open and doors locked to walk another two blocks into whatever is out there. I think maybe a gift shop, or a thrift store, perhaps a cool trinket store. You think a sex shop (for laughs), some guy can jump out and stab me in the stomach to leave me there watching you get sexually violated, or pigs could be stubborn on us. Its always negative meets the positive around this skyscraper sorrounded piece of earth. And all I want is an apartment, with a nice stainless steal kitchen I always see in the nice shows I watch. And that full prismacolor marker set I always dreamt of.
My girl wants rebellion while I want a cup of joe and a pack of smokes.
Strange how we’ve always been the same way since kids, only at some point the toys changed classification and placement in a store.
If only I could raise the courage to perform “dancing in the rain” a little more, I just might be a cool cat.
Too lazy though.
Too fuckin lazy.
While everyone seems to tell me I need to find a place in life I sit on my bed watching the ceiling change shapes and colors and streaming through my mind I find nice things like cereal and charlie & the chocolate factory. Its been a long time since ive painted anything so bizzare. Its been a while since ive had sex too. But that’s a plus most of the time, I don’t like being like everyone else anyways. The f-1 gp is gonna be happening soon. And im still a little seasick. So let us all retire to our beds and forget all that happens in one day to say you never did it before the next. Its how we think, and react to shit that’s meaningless in reality. You want the world to turn, do it yourself. All I know is I wanna go to a foreign country, eat their chocolate, kiss their most beautiful hopeless girls. Not fuck, that word connects to something very meaningless and not anywhere near my style of being. I like it a little simple. Plus im tired of going to three hour shows with girls I sometimes wonder if I even remember a name from. But that’s life, no? And everyday prooves walking a little swifter when thinking exactly how many “bang bang”s you need to die these days. But I always end up slowing down when I see those dream girls crawling in a corner with theyre faces covered in tears, I wish I could cheer them up. But I feel that’s pointless in my position as stranger. Although they do look amazing in those colorful outfits and converse. On my way close to home I see a prostitute hanging over a car acting actually very friendly, it was a strange view that became stranger when I noticed the car had an evangelical sticker on the back. She had a cliché skirt, made me think about a million funny movies that most of which I never even saw. I bet she smelled like post opened fanta cans and weeks unwashed crotch. But its not my style to stop and ask to sniff. So I just head home as always.
Getting home deserves a small dance against the rain of tomorrow so the beach may be accessible. I don’t need to plant anything, so I don’t need rain. Its nice to watch the city late through the window. The lights, the couples, the creepers that smell like dirt and ask for money and sleep on the streets. Or I can go to the other window and watch the beach, maybe grab binoculars and get myself over 100 channels through apartments. But im always too lacking in motivation to find the binoculars in the first place, so I do little duets with the canary sitting in the kitchen. Sometimes it would be really nice if I could just free that little dude, he probably came here through a truck. Meaning hes probably never seen the beach. That must suck. Im still not getting sleepy because sleep is something I rarely ever do. Theres so much to do in the inevitable situation that I sometimes forget where I am. But I leave traces.

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008


My bodies shaking, Please take me to the nearest anywhere outside of this house. Just tell me I'm not wasting your time. Just tell me you love me if I'm not. We can get away from this place, I'm just tired of sitting here. Every one has fun but me, and i just don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment to the modern world. I'll have fun in my own way. Just please let's get out of here. I'll show you the world and beyond, I'll show you the time of your life in less than a few hours. I promise to be the best thing that's happened in your life if you promise to be the best in mine. Just tell me everything will be fine and tell me the world is turning without dragging me by the neck. The time is 1:30 and i don't understand why I'm still lingering around here. But i can't help to sit here and watch you go along with them while i dream about the things we could be doing, and the world we could be getting away from. I'm too young to die this way. My friends bore me, and so does the life they hand me. And the life i hand myself. Every Friday night, nothing happens. The awkward car rides with the fake laughter that fills up in my lungs. The tapping of my foot to the music i wish i was listening to instead of hearing these people bicker about the stupidest things. I just want to be with you, Oh why did i come here? And why are these thoughts running through my head?

Take it slow, We can forget about the folks at home, they're too old to understand the liberalism of the young. But if our worlds don't coalesce with each other, then promise to never slow me down. Because i drag enough as it is and i don't need to see another pretty face on the ground. I try to get away but all i can say is that i need you today. We can take my jeep, and we can clap to our songs, and we can do anything. I promise not to control, and i promise the world to you. Just promise to me you'll end my days of sleeping by myself. This boredom kills me. Why can't a person dream? And why are we killing our selfs with these words of wisdom when i just wanna be young while this lasts? I remember having years of life left in my body. Just lemme finish this cigarette and we can hop in the cab and we can go away for a night. I don't wanna be by myself watching these city lights flashing through the raindrop covered windows. And i don't wanna spend another night wondering what could have been and what i should have done, i just want to be with you.

Let me forget the band for just one night, let me find myself for just one day. I'm under control, and i just wanna let go. The record deals and the Hollywood feel just makes me wanna steal back my loving soul. We were so young, and we had so much hope. But now we don't have anything. And i can just sit here playing my tunes, and singing my songs. But there's no point in any of this when I'm without you. There's no point in the money. There's no point in this musical flurry that has hit my mind. And i just wanna live like i used to. We can grab the 40's and I'll drop by the 7/11 to get a pack of cigarettes and some McDonald's will be our breakfast at the end of this hungover night. Just promise me that you'll be by my side when the end of my sleep arrives. Because it's been years since i found a pair of lips to kiss and I'm getting so tired of this happening. Let's stay by each others sides. You can carry the shield and I'll swing the sword. And we can sneak into movie theaters just to play the video games at the arcade. Maybe we won't get kicked out. Remind me of why i fight for love for just one night. Because i can't remember anymore.

We can walk by the streets and be the bad ass kids we've always been told not to be. We can kick over pieces of paper and shoot people in the back with our fingers. We can lie down on a hill where the sky is nice and the wind is still free. And you can smile and i can smile and we can kiss. Just remind me that we're still a couple of kids. Tell me that sadness and fear were just dreams and i spent these years asleep. Because that's all i wanna hear right now. Tell me i already got on the plane and came back. I just can't stand knowing the best year of my life has the worst end surrounded by tears. And all these Friday nights were spent in lonely solitude. Now i find those who complete me and the end is near? But not tonight, no i don't want to remember tonight as the last night. Just tell me every things alright. Because i don't know what else to do with my future. Much less what I've done in my past. Remind me that I'm in the present, and tell me for the love of god i still have my life ahead of me. Because it feels like it's already done. I want to be revived right now, I want to stand up and break through this steel door that suddenly decided to show up in my face. Let's go crazy and shoot at the world with candy cannons. Because i don't want to remember what war is. And i just want to know that there's love left in this world. Remind me of this night. And we'll forget our frights.

Co-co crisps.

Vamos, Né?
Se foce para recordar todas as mortes só no Jornal Nacional e no Fantastico, Putz!
Aonde vamos hoje. Aonde tem lugar pra durmir cheirando o mar meu irmão. Não tem necessidade de luz do sol quando tem a luz da lua, Né? Mas não tem romantico igual o romantico de plantão. E não garota igual a garota que tu olha quinem idiota no andar devolta pra casa as 6 da manha meu filho. Sono não existe quando o pensamento ta cheio de memorias que nem existem. Só existe barulho de guitarra nas veias, e show pa caralho pra enlouquecer.
A verdade é pura, Tu nunca vai falar com a garota que tu olha no andar pra casa.
E tu nunca vai ter dinhero pra ver o Interpol.

Então. Vamos?
Larga tua felicidade no bolso, e vamos.
Cara durmindo na rua? Isso é Brasil meu filho. Igual a esse não existe. Don´t get knocked up, it'll make everything obscure! Fogo,Cigarro,Guitarra,Voz. Então. Esconde tua felicidade dentro da bolsa, e vamos largar déssa negatividade, Pra onde vamos, Não tem espaço pra éssa porra.

Tem nada pra fazer, Vamos sentar na sala e assistir filmes velhos com pipoca e guarana. Porra.


And this is it.FUCK writing.Fuck listening.Fuck drawing.Fuck white men in blue suits. Fuck black men in red shirts. Fuck every ethnicity in between.Fuck getting used to this shit. Fuck moving on. Fuck you're opinion. Fuck what i think. Fuck her. Fuck him. Fuck the fucking life we live. Fuck the death we'll fucking go through.Fuck the laws of gravity. Fuck floating.Fuck getting a job. Fuck staying job-less. Fuck you. Fuck me.FUCK love. Fuck staying single. Fuck experiencing life. Fuck staying blind.Fuck ex girlfriends who leave you for addiction. Fuck alcoholics. Fuck drug addicts. Fuck being sober. Fuck being fucked up.Fuck straight-edge. Fuck puritans. Fuck fat fuckers who take the bitch you love.Fuck the bitch you love. Fuck having felt love. Fuck having never felt love.Fuck being angry. Fuck being calm. Fuck stress. Fuck peace. Fuck this fucking constant contradiction. Fuck making sense.Fuck being placed inside the problem. Fuck staying out of it.Fuck being understood. Fuck being misunderstood. Fuck loving. FUCK best friends. Fuck no friends. Fuck people in general. Fuck the world. Fuck the solar system. Fuck the universe. Fuck the black hole. And fuck the motherfucker who fucking said pluto isnt a fucking planet anymore. That fuck. FUCK music. Fuck being taste-less. Fuck fashion. Fuck being taste-less even more. Fuck art. Fuck having no mind. Fuck having A mind. Fuck teenagers. Fuck teenagers ways. Fuck denial. Fuck knowing whats going on. Fuck facing your fears. Fuck running away from them. FUCK teabagging. Fuck sex. Fuck doggystyle. Fuck 69. Fuck your girlfriend. Fuck your boyfriend. Fuck your kids. Fuck your kids friends. Fuck their parents. Fuck yourself.Fuck having something to say. Fuck having nothing to say. For the second fucking time? Fuck all these fucking contradiction. Fuck everyone saying the same shit. Fuck songs that sound like this fucking shit im writing. Fuck the people who wrote those songs. They're fucking idiots. FUCK stupid kids. Fuck ignorant pigs. Fuck tits. Fuck chicks. Fuck dicks. Fuck pricks. Fuck gifts. Fuck lifts. Fuck rhyming. Its a fucking waste of my fucking time. FUCK TIME. Fuck waiting. Fuck going. Fuck going for it while waiting. Fuck sense. Fuck senselessness. Fuck the word Fuck. Fuck knowing you can use this shitty word so many times. Fuck variations of this word. Fuck verbs. Fuck dictionaries. Fuck all this. Fuck stopping. Fuck going. Fuck stopping to go. Fuck stop and shop.FUCK corporations. Fuck activists. Fuck peace. Fuck war. Fuck for peace while your fucking genitals are at war. Fuck presidents. Fuck vice-presidents. Fuck tragedy. Fuck happyness. Fuck dance music. Fuck kids taking e. Fuck bouncers. Fuck legal ages. Fuck you trying to fucking say you completely understand when i say "fuck legal ages" You're a fucking ignorant little shit and you dont fucking know any shit. Much less the fucking shit that i say. So fuck you. FUCK corporate mascots. Fuck tony the tiger. Fuck naming fucking tigers. Fuck Ronald McFUCKINGdonald. Fuck clowns that are happy. Fuck clowns that are sad. Fuck the three little white kids from the rice krispies shit.Fuck cigarettes. Fuck addiction. And for the second time? Fuck being a puritan. FUCK religion. Fuck giving god head. Fuck buddy jesus. Fuck the devil. Fuck lucifer. Fuck being poked by a trident. Fuck mount olympus. Fuck humanity believing in this shit. FUCK humanity in general. Im fucking done. Fuck you trying to stop me. Fuck you telling me to go on. I'll go on when i fucking want to. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck saying the word FUCK so many times.